Review: X-O Manowar #4


After the bombastic assault Aric bestowed upon the Vine army last issue, there is some much needed “down time” between the pages of this one. Though the introspective look is not focused upon the time displaced Aric, but rather the cause of all his woes — the Vine themselves!

It has been said many times before that a hero is only as good as his villains make him out to be. Venditti continues to prove this statement true, as he expands upon the background of the Vine and how far their influence reaches into the Valiant Universe! Perfect pacing and well thought out characterization, has brought these cruelly simplistic villains to the forefront as truly diabolical beings. Ones that have grand schemes already in place for our hero and, more importantly, the entire human race!

Venditti and Nord continue to create refreshing, poignant stories that captivate readers in ways that haven’t been done since the silver age of comics. There is an excitement that exudes from the page, even during the most mundane of scenes, that enthralls the reader. It instills a sense of awe and wonderment that can make the most hardened of cynics a fan of comics again.

If Venditti can make a bunch of spider faced aliens a fearsome force to be reckoned with, hold onto your hats my friends, because issue five will blow you away! That’s right, it’s the return of one of the most lethal assassins around — Ninjak! Aric’s world is about to get a whole lot more complicated!

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