Black Panther Chadwick Boseman Would Rather Have An Action Figure Than A Golden Globe


Chadwick Boseman has been passed over this year for a Golden Globe and an Oscar award for playing James Brown in Get on Up.

It’s really no big deal to Boseman as the actor says he would rather have an action figure than Oscar or Golden Globe gold.

“When it comes down to it, I’d rather have an action figure than a Golden Globe,” Boseman said, reports THR.

Of course, Boseman is referencing his Marvel deal with Black Panther, as Boseman is set to play Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War and is thought to make an appearance in this May’s The Avengers: Age Of Ultron. also reports Chadwick Boseman has signed a five-picture deal with Marvel to portray Black Panther.

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron hits May 1st 2015; Captain America: Civil War has a May 5, 2016 release.

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