It’s On! Chris Evans Vs. Chris Pratt For Super Bowl 49


Let’s get it on!

Super Bowl 49 is right around the corner pitting the Seattle Seahawks vs. the New England Patriots.

The Seahawks managed to squeeze out a miracle against Green Bay and are on to the Big Game.

Meanwhile, Brady and Belichick are apparently up to their dirty tricks again as New England is now being investigated for intentionally deflating footballs in the game against the Colts, which might cost the Patriots their #1 draft pick for next season (and hopefully another $500k for Belichick!).

Now Captain America and Star-Lord are getting in on the action as a Twitter war has erupted between Chris Evans and Chris Pratt.

Captain America Chris Evans is a Brady fan and originally from Boston, with Pratt backing Russell Wilson and his hometown of Seattle.

Below you can check out a series of tweets between the two.

Me? I’m a Bills fan.

Update: Check out the suggestion by the Guardians of the Galaxy Twitter account below.

Update #2: The stakes have been set! Check out below.

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