Zoe Saldana Says Goodbye To Gamora For Now


Marvel star Zoe Saldana takes to Instagram to say good-bye to Gamora “for now” as the actress posts a behind-the-scenes look at the makeup process for the character.

“Hair up! What goes on, must come off! Adios Gamora… for now at least! Ha,” Saldana posted.

The time-lapse video shows what Zoe Saldana has to go through in order to remove the special effects and make-up of Gamora. Back when she first did Guardians of the Galaxy, the total time to apply the makeup and prosthetics was around five hours, but for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 they managed to whittle it down to four hours, and eventually three hours. Watch the video below.

Last we saw of Gamora was in Avengers: Infinity War when her adoptive father, Thanos, sacrificed her in order to acquire the Soul Stone. Gamora made Star-Lord promise to kill her if ever she was in danger of revealing the Soul Stone location to Thanos. When Thanos captured Gamora, Star-Lord pulled the trigger, but Thanos had used the Reality Stone to change Star-Lord’s projectiles into bubbles. Thanos would then use Nebula against Gamora, as the Great Titan tortured her sister forcing Gamora to give up the location of the Soul Stone on Vormir. Upon arriving on Vormir, Thanos and Gamora would encounter the wraith of the Red Skull who had been transported to the planet through the use of the Tesseract in the first Captain America movie. Everything would come to a head when Thanos realized he had to sacrifice that which he loved most in order to acquire the Soul Stone. Gamora laughed at the notion as Thanos loves nothing, but a tear ran down the Mad Titan’s face as he grabbed Gamora and threw her over the ledge to her death below!

Zoe Saldana Gamora

What awaits Gamora – if anything – in The Avengers: Endgame is unknown. Will the Avengers be able to reverse what the Titan did in Infinity War? However, Gamora’s death didn’t come at from the Infinity Gauntlet, but prior to Thanos snapping the universe, so will the Avengers be able to save her – in time?

It is thought that Zoe Saldana is supposed to be a part of Guardians of the Galaxy 3, but while the search for a director continues, the movie is currently on hiatus. James Gunn previously let it be known that Guardians of the Galaxy 3 happens after The Avengers: Endgame, and reportedly, Disney still plans on using Gunn’s script. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 has no release date; The Avengers: Endgame lands Apr. 26.


Hair up! What goes on, must come off! Adios Gamora… for now at least! Ha @makeupbyvera7 @fxrtst @avengers @trolls

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Yep! ————–

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HURRY UP… and wait! #tbt @guardiansofthegalaxy press 2017 LONDON

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