Terminator: Dark Fate Rotten Tomatoes Score Is In


The Terminator: Dark Fate Rotten Tomatoes score is in, and it’s not as bad as I thought as it is a lot better than previous flicks that bombed hard.

With a 58 reviews accounted for, the Terminator: Dark Fate Rotten Tomatoes score currently sits at a 67% Fresh.

The number is in line with 2003’s Terminator 3 – Rise of the Machines (69%), which wasn’t all bad, and as noted, is a lot higher than 2015’s Terminator Genisys (27%) as well as 2009’s Terminator Salvation (33%).

Terminator 2: Judgment Day comes in at 93%, with the first flick from 1984 at 100%.

Since we are keeping track, the Sarah Connor Chronicles series that ran from 2008-9 has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 76%.

Terminator Dark Fate Rotten Tomatoes Score

Some of the Dark Fate reviews offer:

“What the film handsomely mines from the first two episodes, however, is the simple yet apparently elusive combination of kinetic momentum and emotional empathy.” – The Times UK

“This franchise needs to be terminated.” – BBC

“It’s smashingly well-crafted and sometimes quite exciting and affecting, albeit in familiar ways.” – BirthMoviesDeath

“It’s nothing fresh from a plot perspective, but in terms of character and theme it’s the only film since Judgement Day that seems to understand the franchise’s core appeal.” – Alternative Lens

“A very entertaining entry that doesn’t take many risks, but recaptures the best things about the saga.” –  Espinof

Terminator Dark Fate

Terminator: Dark Fate similar reviews and tracking to T3

The flick is also tracking to around a $40-plus million opening weekend, which is also a lot better than Genisys, which bombed with a $27 million opener, and is in line with the Rise of the Machines $44 million opening weekend.

Dark Fate has a November 1, 2019 release and is R rated directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool), produced by visionary filmmaker James Cameron and David Ellison, and stars Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (T-800) returning in their iconic roles, with Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Gabriel Luna, and Diego Boneta. The movie follows the events from T2.

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