Oped: Nova: The Showdown with Marvel Editorial
The Cosmic Triune An Opinion-Editorial By Timelord Nova: The Showdown with Marvel Editorial  …
The Cosmic Triune An Opinion-Editorial By Timelord Nova: The Showdown with Marvel Editorial  …
You know those vinyl stickers you see on the rear windows of trucks? The ones of Calvin taking a whiz on…
And the foolishness continues. Duggan has been writing Deadpool so long that he’s forgotten how to write any…
It’s faint praise but this issue is probably the best of the worst thus far. I say that only because Duggan …
As Beta Ray Bill said to NINO, “If you are Nova then you are a disgrace to all those who came before you!”…
The Cosmic Triune An Opinion-Editorial Nova: The Turning Point [[wysiwyg_imageupload:13876:]] The…
The cover gave me a moment of false hope that NINO would finally get what was coming to him and we’d be merc…
Somewhere Marv Wolfman is wailing in agony at the hack-job being perpetrated against his original concepts by …
The Cosmic Triune An Opinion-Editorial “The Lo(e)botomization of Nova” Lobotomization: to de…
This issue reaches a new low. Bad enough that NINO’s parents criminally allow a 14-year-old boy to kee…
Medina and Curiel deliver some eye-catching art and coloring in this issue. Too bad their talents are wasted o…
I finally found something to like about NINO! Issue #7 cured my insomnia! Yup; soporific #7 is a cliché-fille…
The Loeb-otomization of the Nova concepts and legacy continues. This snooze-fest of an issue finds NINO return…
No surprises here. The tragic descent of the Nova concepts and legacy into silly, child-oriented cutesiness co…
Hear those wails of agony when you open issue #4? It’s the sound of Wolfman, Abnett, Lanning, Giffen, and ev…
I had high hopes for this one, but sadly the re-launch of Marvel Cosmic continues to under-whelm and di…
Once again, McGuinness and Gracia deliver a feast for the eyes with magnificent art and coloring. Once ag…
McGuinness‘ art and Gracia’s coloring are magnificent to behold. Too bad they’re connected t…