Superman, Batman, Injustice 3 Revealed From Nvidia GeForce Now Leaks


Leaks reported to have been uncovered from Nvidia GeForce Now servers offer reveals for potential video games involving a Superman “Man of Steel” game, Batman games, Injustice 3, Mortal Kombat 12, and lots more.

An Nvidia GeForce Now user posted an article on Medium about how he “unlocked” an apparent bunch of names which may include the names of new video games in development.

The creator of SteamDB, Pavel Djundik, took to Twitter to offer he investigated the same files and posted a searchable database on github, but notes the info could have been faked (unclear how):  

Batman Arkham knight

Nvidia GeForce Now streaming leaks

So doing a quick search of various terms (see below) reveals “Man of Steel,” but again, it is unclear if it means a new Superman video game is happening, as a Superman video game has been rumored for years, and “Man of Steel” is the name of a mobile game from the movie from back in 2013. The listing could be a placeholder for a defunct Superman video game that was once planned or the mobile game, but it would be cool to finally get a platform game all about Superman.

A search on “Batman” reveals existing games as well as potential new ones including a remastered version of Batman: Arkham Knight, and Batman: Arkham Insurgency is a leak from a few years ago, so again, it’s unknown if these listings are legit games in development, placeholders, or games that are no longer in development.

Some other searches reveal two entries for “Suicide Squad,” including the new Suicide Squad vs Justice League game in the works, and the other reveals “Suicide Squad (Metallica),” which could have had something to do with the Suicide Squad game that was in development years ago.

Other searches reveal Injustice 3 and Mortal Kombat 12, two games previously rumored to be in development that is most likely happening.

The user who first found the materials also noted God of War is apparently being played by Nvidia developers which might suggest God of War could be coming to the GeForce NOW streaming service or that the developers are using an emulator to play illegal copies of the game, with the same in regards to Nintendo games such as the Wii exclusive, Super Mario Bros

According to the official Nvidia site: GeForce NOW is NVIDIA’s cloud-based game streaming service, delivering real-time gameplay straight from the cloud to your laptop, desktop, Mac, SHIELD TV and Android device. Connect to your store accounts and stream your own library of games, or play your favorite free-to-play games. With cloud saves for supported games, you can pick up your game where you left off, on any supported device, wherever you are.

 Nvidia GeForce Now leaks include Man of Steel, Batman, Injustice 3, more:

Man of Steel Nvidia GeForce Now leak

Batman Nvidia GeForce Now leak

Suicide Squad Nvidia GeForce Now leak

Injustice 3 Nvidia GeForce Now leak

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