Supergirl Season 2 Up In The Air


The future of Supergirl is currently up in the air, with the decision regarding a Season 2 coming within the next couple of weeks.

CBS seems to be hesitant to go with another season of Supergirl due to ratings as well as the high cost of developing the series.

It’s not all bad news as Deadline reports other networks are interested in Supergirl, with The CW named as a possibility. 

Hulu is also suggested as Supergirl may make a nice addition to combat Netflix’s Marvel series.

Regarding the high cost of Supergirl, said to be $3 million an episode, Season 1 was filmed in Los Angeles, and CBS also has to pay Warner Bros. a high licensing fee. It’s possible Supergirl may move to Vancouver to film, and that CBS and WB may be able to renegotiate a lower licensing fee, which will reduce costs for CBS.

Supergirl executive producer Greg Berlanti’s CW shows film in Vancouver with Arrow, Flash, and DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow.

The ratings for Supergirl are not that bad, but have dropped from a high of 10 million viewers for its premiere to about half of that over the season.

Supergirl‘s ratings did jump 31% with The Flash crossover, so the potential is still there for high ratings, which CBS certainly has taken notice of.

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