Star Wars Theme Park Teaser Featurette


Tonight at Star Wars Celebration, Disney released a new video featurette teasing their upcoming Star Wars-Themed lands attraction for Walt Disney Parks.

The creative minds from Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Imagineering discuss their unique partnership and share details about the new galactic Star Wars-themed lands being created at Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resorts, including the following via the Disney Parks blog:

The team shared exciting new details about the story behind this mysterious destination somewhere on the Outer Rim — lying on the edge of the Unknown Regions. The remote village was once a busy crossroads along the old sub-lightspeed trade routes, but the prominence of the outpost has been bypassed with the rise of hyperspace travel. Now home to those who prefer less attention, it has become a thriving port for smugglers, rogue traders and adventurers traveling between the frontier and uncharted space. It’s also a convenient safe-haven for others intent on avoiding the expanding reach of the First Order.

Star Wars-themed Lands are scheduled to open in 2019.

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