Star Trek Beyond Rumored Title For Star Trek 3


The title for the third film of the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies may have become known with “Star Trek Beyond.” spotted the title as it is registered with the Motion Picture Association of America; studios are required to register the title with the MPAA before the release.

They also claim they have it on “good authority” that “Star Trek Beyond” is the official title.

“Star Trek Beyond” fits with known story elements about the movie as the third film will head out into space.

Simon Pegg, who was brought on board to replace Roberto Orci, has stated it’s the start of their five year mission and they are out in space.

Idris Elba is rumored to be playing a Klingon, and Pegg recently offered in an interview that Elba will be playing a never-before-seen original character in a “kick-ass” role. Pegg also stated in the interview below they should start shooting in June.

“What we are hoping to do, is make a Star Trek for today that doesn’t forget where it came from,” Pegg said.

“Star Trek 3” has a July 8, 2016 release date directed by Justin Lin.

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