She-Hulk’s Megan Thee Stallion Sued For Harassment, Fat-Shaming

she hulk megan thee stallion sued harrasment fat shaming

Marvel fans know Megan Thee Stallion for appearing in an episode of She-Hulk where she was shown twerking with Tatiana Maslany.

Well, Jennifer Walters won’t be defending the rapper as it’s the real world we are talking about here.

Megan Thee Stallion is being sued over a hostile work environment and is accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming.

Emilio Garcia, a personal cameraman who worked for Megan Thee Stallion, is suing Megan Thee Stallion claiming that while they were driving in a foreign country, Garcia was trapped in an SUV while Megan Thee Stallion was having sex with one of three woman.

The suit says they were in Ibiza, Spain at the time and that the car was moving and Garcia couldn’t get out and was “was embarrassed, mortified and offended throughout the whole ordeal.”

Allegedly, the day after the incident, Stallion asked whether Garcia had been in the car at the time, and when he confirmed to her that he was in the car, she warned him, “Don’t ever discuss what you saw.”

The suit also says during the same trip that Megan Thee Stallion called Emilio Garcia a “fat bitch” and told home to, “spit your food out,” and “you don’t need to be eating.”

she hulk twerk behind the scenes
Tatiana Maslany and Megan Thee Stallion behind-the-scenes in Marvel’s She-Hulk

“I felt uncomfortable. I was kind of frozen, and I was shocked. At kind of just be the overall audacity to do this right, right beside me,” Garcia told NBC News in an interview. 

Garcia is seeking unspecified damages and a jury trial and the complaint says Garcia was misclassified as an independent contractor, which deprived him of healthcare and overtime pay and that he was denied breaks for rests or meals.

“Megan just needs to pay our client what he’s due, own up to her behavior and quit this sort of sexual harassment and fat-shaming conduct,” Garcia’s attorney Ron Zambrano, a partner and Employment Litigation Chair at West Coast Employment Lawyers, said in a press release. “Emilio should never have been put in a position of having to be in the vehicle with her while she had sex with another woman. ‘Inappropriate’ is putting it lightly. Exposing this behavior to employees is definitely illegal.”

“This is an employment claim for money — with no sexual harassment claim filed and with salacious accusations to attempt to embarrass her,” Stallion’s attorney, Alex Spiro, told the trades. “We will deal with this in court.”

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