Sebastian Stan Teases Captain America Shield


Will Sebastian Stan's Winter Soldier pick up the Captain America mantle?

That just may be the case as Sebastian Stan posted the following on Instagram.

"Excuse me…where's the restroom?" A big thank you and shout out to Casey McBroom @shield_labs for making this for me. Will come in handy… #wintersoldier #marvel

While the shield in question isn't an official Marvel movie prop, we do see Sebastian Stan mentions it "will come in handy." The current speculation is that since Captain Amerca survived Civil War, that he might meet his maker at the hands of Thanos in The Avengers: Infinity War, which would then see Sebastian Stan become Captain America. Of course, I suppose they could always give Bucky a shield to use as well and keep Cap and Chris Evans around for the long haul.

Sebastian Stan is also speculated to be appearing in Black Panther.

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