Ryan Reynolds Wants Deadpool In Avengers 4

Ryan Reynolds Avengers

With Disney possibly set to purchase Fox Studios, Deadpool is closer than ever to becoming an official member of the Avengers (he’s a card-carrying member in the comics)!

A fan went out and tweeted Ryan Reynolds a set image from The Avengers 4 featuring Chris Evans as Captain America, Mark Ruffalo in mo-cap as the Hulk–and none other than Deadpool!

“Is this real?” the fan asked about The Avengers 4 set image.

Ryan Reynolds replied, “It’s real in my heart.”

Ryan Reynolds

Disney is currently in a bidding war with Comcast over the purchase of Fox Studios, which includes Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool, the X-Men characters, Wolverine and the Fantastic Four. While Comcast has presently offered a higher amount, it’s now being speculated that Disney and Comcast may actually split the Fox Studios assets, with Disney getting the movie side of things. 

If everything goes according to plan, Disney will have the X-Men and Deadpool rights back next year by the end of Summer, so Ryan Reynolds could appear in the MCU or in another Avengers movie some time down the road, or even in The Avengers 4.

Deadpool 2 is currently in theaters and has a current worldwide gross of $664 million.  

The Avengers 4 hits May 3, 2019.

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