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Movie News Reviews


Inception is the best movie of this summer, perhaps even the past few summers and Chris Nolan is making what Dane Cook would refer to as “cinematic adventures” fun, surprising and satisfying once again.  Despite Nolan’s ever increasing reputation as a sure thing, I had numerous reservations about this production as soon as the advertising […]

Movie News Reviews

MOVIE REVIEW: The Last Airbender

This film is all about M. Night Shyamalan.  Assuming the writing, directing and producing responsibilities for a film he is involved with is his M. O.  However, Night has always done this with a completely original idea and The Last Airbender is his first real shot at helming someone else’s franchise.  Night’s appeal has always

Movie News Reviews


A title for a review that curses a film is never a good thing. Many a western has been seen by these eyes and even the worst spaghetti, 5 second dub delay, rag-tag acted, thrown together at the last second, cowboy versus Indian flick would be better than that sack of dung also known as

Movie News Reviews


When 100 years pass, will people regard the 1980s as an incredible treasure trove of intellectual property that got ransacked during the 2000s because Hollywood couldn’t come up with an original idea to save its life? I would like to think that those of us who were conscious during the ‘80s already recognize this to

Movie News Reviews

REVIEW: Splice

Before I launch into the analysis of this wonderful little film, I must take a moment to vehemently state how wrong the Internet Movie Database is in classifying the genre(s) of Splice. As the line between science fiction and fact slowly dissipates with the progression of real world research, we must begin to start taking

Movie News Reviews

REVIEW: Robin Hood (2010)

The stand-alone epic: Is it a lost art form in Hollywood Land?  I ask this question because I was extremely stunned to discover that this film is the first of an installment. Of how many sequels are planned, I am not certain, but I would never have pegged the likes of Ridley Scott or Russell

Movie News Reviews

REVIEW: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time

It never ceases to amaze me how every popular license that is optioned by Hollywood is done so with the implication that it will be built up into a franchise. As with any franchise, one must begin with the face of the franchise. Enter: Jake Gyllenhaal. He is what can be considered a safe choice

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