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Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Deathstroke #2

It looks like Slade is continuing his all out war on his perceived diminished capacity as an all purpose, always getting the job done, merc with an attitude by DCU’s seedy underbelly, always looking to hire the best at top dollar.  This issue opens up with a little carry over from issue #1, namely, the […]

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: The Fury Of Firestorm: Nuclear Men #1

Firestorm was always an odd sort of hero for me because as powerful as his abilities were, what made the character interesting was the fact he was a physical manifestation of dichotomy.  The first Firestorm was a fusion of the young Ronnie Raymond and the old Dr. Martin Stein.  Youthful creativity combined with experienced wisdom

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Blackhawks #1 (Costa & Lashley)

The New 52 delivers another team book in Blackhawks #1, DC’s answer to S.H.I.E.L.D.; well kind of.  What’s most interesting about this covert operation is the fact that it was commissioned by the United Nations, an organization notorious for not having a practical means of enforcing mandates and treaties because it has no threatening military

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Voodoo #1 (Marz & Basri)

The New 52 wants all you guys out there to “get your hands out of your pants and into your pockets” to spend a little on some memories from Voodoo #1, yet another addition to DC’s re-launch that is all about sex, violence and a little mystery; but mainly SEX!  You know what kind of

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Birds of Prey #1 (Swierczynski & Saiz)

Hurray for more sexy babes in comics!  As much as there are, there just doesn’t seem to be enough.  Thus, we are introduced to the new Birds of Prey, an all female team of vigilante heroines that does things their way with a slight preference towards brutality. The logistics with team based books can be quite

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Nightwing #1 (Higgins & Barrows)

Of every comic book character “family,” I must say that Batman’s is by far my favorite, and thankfully, The New 52 elaborates on the Dark Knight’s extended with a book of Nightwing’s own, which will certainly include several satisfying cameo appearances as this series evolves.  This first issue, as it seems to be the overall

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Batwoman #1

Batwoman #1 is another volume of “The New 52” that is clearly less of a reset and more of a business-as-usual day in the complex life of Kate Kane, the Batwoman who conceals her pale complexion and fire engine red hair with a costume that reveals her pale complexion and highlights her red hair even

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Deathstroke #1 (Higgins & Bennet)

The “New 52” is an attempt to renew, refresh and perhaps even reboot several major characters within the DC Universe to reconnect with fans, receive new ones, rejuvenate sales and rethink the overall fictional routines of super people in the comic book medium.  It’s not exactly wiping the slate clean, but it may seem like

Movie News Reviews

The State of Hollywood 4: Remakes and Reboots

The State of Hollywood 4

Remakes and Reboots: The Reason for Hollywood Sucking?

By: Lawrence Napoli


(Editor’s Note: CBN’s movie reviewer, Lawrence Napoli, offers his views and opinions on the movie biz in his column, “The State Of Hollywood.”)


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