No Ms. Marvel In Guardians of the Galaxy 2


See how awful the above really is (Bendys GOTG)?


With Marvel launching a Carol Danvers Ms. Captain Marvel (there’s only one Mar-vell, guys) in 2018, some fans may have thought Ms. Marvel would first be appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

The good news (or bad news, depending how you look at it), is that there will be no Captain Ms. Marvel in Guadians of the Galaxy 2.

Gunn tweeted out: “Getting this a lot this morning. As I said months ago, no, sorry.”

The fan speculation may be attributed to the current Marvel Comics Guardians of the Galaxy comic book, written by Brian Michael Bendys, which featured the character. Bendiss also included Iron Man in his less than stellar run, and no Iron Man was featured in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie as well (contrary to fan rumors).

We get futher good news in that Bendy’s symbiote world (i.e. Venom) won’t be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 from Gunn.

“There are no rumors. Just guesses, which are fun,” Gunn also tweeted. “Only 6 of us know who’s in GotG2.”

Regarding why no Ms. Marvel, Gunn previously said he wants to keep Star-Lord as the only human in space, which we actually don’t agree with either as: 1) Star-Lord isn’t human (he’s half alien) and 2) Star-Lord was taken away to space at such a young age, he isn’t a relatabe human character anymore.

Of course our choice to pair with Star-Lord is – as seen in the comics – Richard Rider Nova.

“Guardians of the Galaxy 2” has a May 5, 2017 release.

Much better, thank you.

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