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  • REVIEW: Kick-Ass

    REVIEW: Kick-Ass

    One prominent critic called Kick-Ass “morally reprehensible.” Puh-leeze. Morally reprehensible? I’ll tell you what’s morally reprehensible. Romantic comedies are morally reprehensible. Paying upwards of $9 for a movie ticket is morally reprehensible. The meal I choked down at Waffle House after the movie was morally reprehensible. But Kick-Ass? Kick-Ass is not morally reprehensible. In all…

  • Nova: The Lost Years Saga: Annihilation: The Guerilla War Part Three

    Nova: The Lost Years Saga: Annihilation: The Guerilla War Part Three

      « Part Two |Warning:  Mature ContentNova: The Next GenerationPart TwoofThe Shi’Ar ConflictWritten By: Timelord ”¢ 9.13.09 Chapter Four:  The Warlord of the Sky and Sea (Part I)     Vas’Nur was quartered next door to Rich.  Her duty station was a desk in an alcove outside her quarters.  Rich left her at her desk giving her strict…

  • Nova: The Lost Years Saga: Annihilation: The Guerilla War Part Two

    Nova: The Lost Years Saga: Annihilation: The Guerilla War Part Two

    Nova: The Lost Years Saga Annihilation: The Guerilla War (Part 2) Pinnacle of Light – Abyss of DarknessWarning: Contains Mature Subject Matter Chapter 2: Drax the Destroyer’s Guide to Guerilla WarfareRich entered the holodeck closely followed by the Worldmind avatar and Yeoman Vas’Nur. Drax and Cammi were waiting for Rich; and Drax had already created a…

  • Nova: The Lost Years Saga: Annihilation: The Guerilla War Part One

    Nova: The Lost Years Saga: Annihilation: The Guerilla War Part One

    Annihilation: The Guerilla War The Lost Years Saga  ForwardI’ve been a Nova fan since 1976. As a long term fan and a completist, some things have always nagged at me. One of the most important of those nags would be the “lost years” of Nova’s life – the year he spent on Xandar during the Second…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #23 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #23 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2951:]]COVER BY: Alex Garner WRITERS: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning PENCILER: Wes Craig INKER: Serge LaPointe COLORIST: Nathan Fairbairn LETTERRE: VC’s Joe CaramagnaWarning: Contains Spoilers Phenomenal. Absolutely, astoundingly phenomenal. With issue #23 of Guardians of the Galaxy, Abnett and Lanning prove once again why they are the Megalords of Cosmic Comics.In a recent interview, I said…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #22 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #22 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2949:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Brad WalkerColorist: Wil QuintanaCover Artist: Alex GarnerWarning: Contains Spoilers From the front cover to the last panel – everything – and I do mean everything – works for this comic.Garner’s cover art is eye-catching and beautiful to behold. I absolutely loved his renditions of Moondragon, Drax, Rocket, and Bug. Hey…

  • Nova: The Next Generation Part Five Of The Shi’ar Conflict

    Nova: The Next Generation Part Five Of The Shi’ar Conflict

    « Part Four Nova: The Next GenerationPart Five – The ConclusionOfThe Shi’ar ConflictWritten By: Timelord 01.21.10 Chapter Five: The Shi’ar ArmadaNova Prime Richard Rider listened patiently as Xandarian Star Corps Admiral Cyn finished describing the battle plan. The virtual Conference room of the Admiral’s Dreadnought, The XBS Victory, was filled with representatives comprising each wing of the…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #21 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #21 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2948:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Brad WalkerColorist: Wil QuintanaCover Artist: Brad WilkinsWarning: Contains Spoilers It was fitting that this issue was released on the eve of Christmas Eve because it certainly felt like a wonderful early Christmas present.There’s a lot to love about Issue #21 of Guardians of the Galaxy. First, I must once again…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #20 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #20 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2947:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Brad WalkerColorist: Wil QuintanaCover Artist: Alex GarnerWarning: Contains Spoilers Awesome. Amazingly, jaw-droppingly awesome. I felt as though I had just finished reading a chapter from a dramatic, exciting, well-constructed novel.Issue #20 is both an aftermath story for the previous arc and a prologue for the next arc. Transitional issues of…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #19 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #19 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2946:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Wesley CraigColorist: Nathan FairbairnCover Artist: Alex GarnerWarning: Contains Spoilers One of the many strengths of Guardians of the Galaxy is that it is never predictable. The cynical point of view as expressed by a reviewer at another website is that Marvel allows DnA to take chances with GotG characters because…

  • Nova: The Next Generation Part Four Of The Shiar Conflict

    Nova: The Next Generation Part Four Of The Shiar Conflict

    « Part Three» Part Five Nova: The Next GenerationPart FourOfThe Shi’ar ConflictWritten By: Timelord 10.10.09 Chapter 4: Demi-GoddessThe rocket propelled adamantium ‘Nova Killer Round’ easily penetrated the phasic shields and tore through the chest of the lovely raven-haired Nova Cadet who had been lying in wait to surprise attack the approaching Veradinae dragons. She fell to the…

  • Nova: The Next Generation Part Three Of The Shiar Conflict

    Nova: The Next Generation Part Three Of The Shiar Conflict

     Nova: The Next GenerationPart ThreeOfThe Shi’ar ConflictWritten By: Timelord 9.29.09 Chapter Three: RevelationsSecond year Nova Corps Cadet Surfaan Ren swatted at the insects buzzing around his face and ears, cursing his luck once again as he slogged through the fetid muck of the densely foliated swamp while taking care to make as little noise as possible.…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #18 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #18 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2945:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Wesley CraigColorist: Nathan FairbairnCover Artist: Pasqual FerryWarning: Contains Spoilers I really like it that DnA are mining the Marvel vaults for cosmic characters that have lain dormant for far too long. This issue gives us original Guardians of the Galaxy, Killraven, and Hollywood (a future, aged version of Wonder Man).…

  • Nova: The Next Generation Part Two Of The Shiar Conflict

    Nova: The Next Generation Part Two Of The Shiar Conflict

    Nova: The Next GenerationPart TwoofThe Shi’Ar ConflictWritten By: Timelord 9.13.09 Chapter Two: Quantum Realm SolaceAs evening fell on Nu-Xandar, Sylvia could see Tranta’s last rays glancing off the Torus as she boarded the mag-lev train to the alien sector of Nu-Orienta City. As always when night fell, her gaze was drawn to the sky. The Orienta Shard…

  • Nova: The Next Generation Part One Of The Shiar Conflict

    Nova: The Next Generation Part One Of The Shiar Conflict

     Nova: The Next Generation Written By: Timelord  9.3.09 Prologue: The LegacyPeople stared. They always stared when she appeared in public. It made her uncomfortable; so she took pains to conceal her identity. Today she dressed in non-descript clothes – not her typical haute couture by any stretch of the imagination – just casual black slacks, black…

  • Review: Nova #28 (Marvel Comics)

    Review: Nova #28 (Marvel Comics)

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:4292:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Andrew DevitoColorist: Bruno HangCover Artist: Daniel AcunaVariant Cover: Mike Perkins Warning: Contains Spoilers DnA have done it again! Nova #28 is a masterstroke of superheroic military science-fiction. The Rich Rider from Annihilation is finally back and I say: “Long May He Reign!”This issue picks up right where #27 left off. Rich…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #17 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #17 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2944:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Brad WalkerColorist: Jay David RamosCover Artist: Daniel Acuna Warning: Contains Spoilers It’s like a Christmas morning experience once per month on the day Marvel releases each new issue of Guardians of the Galaxy. I can’t wait to open each issue and savor the surprises contained within. No character is safe and…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #16 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #16 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2943:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Wesley CraigColorist: Nathan FairbairnCover Artist: Pasqual FerryWarning: Contains Spoilers Original Guardians of the Galaxy, contemporary Guardians of the Galaxy, Badoon, Celestials, Avenger’s Mansion, Dr. Doom’s Time Machine, and fan favorite Cosmo saving the day! Man – I’m telling you – this issue has it all in terms of story! DnA…

  • Review: Nova #27 (Marvel Comics)

    Review: Nova #27 (Marvel Comics)

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:4291:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Andrew DevitoColorist: Bruno HangCover Artist: Daniel Acuna Warning: Contains Spoilers This issue is everything Nova should be – tightly paced, beautiful to behold from cover-to-cover, exciting, and fun. Rich is at his most effective since Annihilation; showing once and for all why he deserves to wear the uniform of The Nova…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy #15 Review

    Guardians of the Galaxy #15 Review

    [[wysiwyg_imageupload:2942:]]Writers: Dan Abnett and Andy LanningArtist: Brad WalkerColorist: Jay David RamosCover Artist: Salvador LarrocaWarning: Contains Spoilers Once again Abnett and Lanning show us why Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the best books Marvel puts on the shelves each month. I just can’t understand why this book is only a mediocre seller. It really is…

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