Marvel Comics Fires Star Wars Writer Over Tweets

Marvel Comics Fires Star Wars Writer Over Tweets

Another Disney employee finds himself without a job following controversial tweets, as writer Chuck Wendig has been fired from the company.

Marvel Comics decided to let Chuck Wendig go from the company following a tweet that was posted after Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, which saw Wendig apparently call Kavanaugh (and probably Donald Trump) supporters a slur of expletives and also racists, rapists, abusers and more.

Chuck Wendig doesn’t seem to distraught by the news as he continued to tweet that he doesn’t make much money from the Star Wars Marvel comics and leads a privileged life.

The news of Chuck Wendig getting fired from Disney follows the James Gunn controversy, which saw Gunn fired for tweets from years ago that resurfaced joking about rape and pedophilia.

What’s interesting, is that following James Gunn getting fired, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson proceeded to delete over 20k of his own tweets. 

It could be possible that since Disney is a family company, they don’t want to associate themselves with x-rated and r-tated tweets that could reflect negatively on the company.

Another possibility is that Chuck Wendig’s controversial tweets could upset a lot of Marvel fans who may in turn stop buying the comics. actually reports Chuck Wendig wasn’t fired for his political views, but for his use of profanity and vulgarity.

The guy claims to be a writer, so couldn’t he come up with better words to use? Guess not.

Chuck Wending is the author of the Star Wars: Aftermath novels, and wrote Shadow of Vader for Marvel.

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