James Gunn Says Bradley Cooper Didn’t Spoil Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Earler saw Bradley Cooper seemingly spoil Guardians of the Galaxy 2 by revealing the villain to be Thanos as well as that Thanos is the father of Star-Lord.

However, Cooper seems to have gotten his facts mixed up as James Gunn has taken to Twitter to clear things up.

“In response to all the stories coming out, Bradley Cooper didn’t reveal anything,” Gunn tweeted. “He just got the script and hasn’t read it yet. I promise.”

Cooper seems to have mixed up Star-Lord and Ronan; however, he did seem pretty sure Thanos was the villain.

Update: Gunn also said that Cooper doesn’t know who the villain is.

“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” has a May 5, 2017 release.

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