James Cameron Wants To Reinvent Terminator


The Terminator: Genisys movie didn’t do as well as hoped to reinvigorate the franchise or at the box office as it only netted a measly $89.7 million in the U.S. (and it probably didn’t help they spoiled a major plot point in the trailer).

There has been talks of doing a new Terminator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron back on board, and now Cameron offers up they may be leaning toward a reboot and new trilogy. 

Cameron fills in Australia’s News.com.au:

“I am in discussions with David Ellison, who is the current rights holder globally for the Terminator franchise and the rights in the U.S. market revert to me under U.S. copyright law in a year and a half so he and I are talking about what we can do. Right now we are leaning toward doing a three-film arc and reinventing it.”

James Cameron offers the new Terminator trilogy would feature Arnold Schwarzenegger “to some extent” and the plan would be to introduce new characters to “pass the baton.”

James Cameron directed the first two Terminator movies, which were really good, so let’s hope with his involvement (assumed to be in a producer capacity) the Terminator franchise will be back.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day will also be released in 3D on August 25th.

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