James Cameron Thinks Terminator Still Works


Will the Terminator be back?

Though Terminator: Genisys bombed here in the U.S. ($89.7 million), it still made a whopping $350-plus million internationally, so the franchise definitely has an audience.

With the Terminator rights said to revert back to original director James Cameron in 2019, the Daily Beast catches up with Cameron who thinks Terminator can still work:

It hasn’t been hijacked. It’s really just stumbled along, trying to find its voice again. There’s probably some degree to where it’s lost relevance, you know? Maybe the things that made it good back then are kind of a yawn now. It’s easy to remember fondly the things that kick off a franchise. It’s hard to keep a franchise vigorous, and relevant. I haven’t had my hand on the tiller since Terminator 2, and that was 1991. So what’s that? Twenty-six years? But look, I think it’s possible to tell a great Terminator story now, and it’s relevant. We live in a digital age, and Terminator ultimately, if you can slow it down, is about our relationship with our own technology, and how our technology can reflect back to us—and in the movie, literally, in a human form that is a nemesis and a threat. But also in those movies, in the two that I did, it’s about how we dehumanize ourselves. In a time when people are being absorbed by their virtual-social world, I mean, just look around. I always say: if Terminator was about the war between the humans and the machines, look around any restaurant or airport lounge and tell me the machines haven’t won when every human you see is enslaved to their device. So could you make a relevant Terminator film now? Absolutely.

Back in March of 2016 saw Arnold Schwarzenegger state Terminator 6 is happening, but it seems pretty much in limbo. At one time Paramount was even developing a Terminator universe, but with the disappointment of Terminator: Genisys, it seems things have changed. Emilia Clarke also said she won't be back for any further Terminator movies. 

Who knows? Maybe James Cameron has ideas for another Terminator movie?

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