Infinity War: Iron Man Mark 50 Concept Art Revealed


Check out some super cool looking concept art for The Avengers: Infinity War Iron Man Mark 50 suit by artist Phil Saunders.

“Since the Art of Avengers: Infinity War is on the shelves, I can finally start releasing some of the artwork and design I did for the movie,” Saunders posted on ArtStation. “Watch this page in the next couple of weeks as I trickle out some images. But don’t forget to pick up the book! It’s filled with art from all of my amazing talented colleagues who brought the movie to life, with plenty of anecdotes on how the designs evolved. And I don’t see a dime from it, so this is not a shameless plug. It’s worth it for anyone who loves concept art!

Regarding the first image of the Iron Man Mark 50 suit, Saunders offers, “This is the first image I created after the Mk 50 was approved, when I was starting to work out what nanotech weapons might be like, and how they would grow out of the suit. The weapon on his left arm I sculpted in zBrush, otherwise this is all 2-D.”

For the second image, he said, “Early work in progress. I later posed and rendered out my ZBrush sculpt for reference, as it wasn’t quite working the way I wanted, but this keyframe I kept in Photoshop rather than using the 3D render.”

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – The Art of the Movie can be purchased at Amazon.

Iron Man Mark 50 Concept Art

Iron Man Mark 50 Concept Art

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