Dwayne Johnson Lays The Smack Down On Jumanji Twitter Hater

Dwayne Johnson Lays The Smack Down On Jumanji Twitter Hater

Dwayne Johnson was forced to bring back the People’s Elbow on Twitter in front of his millions – and millions! – of fans.

A user on Twitter got lippy with The Rock about the plot of the Jumanji movie.

Small spoiler: The characters get three lives in the movie and when they die, they reappear with a certain object.

I didn’t really think too much into it – as every game has its own rules – but a Twitter user blasted Dwayne Johnson for not follow correct gamer etiquette (apparently).


“I went to see the new Jumanji. F–K THE NEW JUMANJI. Here’s a spoiler. There is no way a character in a video game would lose a life, then be respawned still in possession of the item required to win. That’s some b–it,” Twitter user James tweeted.

Well, Dwayne Johnson was having none of that as he took a page out of Star Wars director Rian Johnson’s book (lol):

 “Actually my friend, in the JUMANJI Lore Handbook, it clearly states in article 72 of section 7, that ‘any character who loses a life, shall return to their original state with any item they possessed at the time of their demise.’ So kindly go f*ck yourself James,” The Rock responded.

It’s all good as Twitter user James wised up and instead of getting checked into the SmackDown Hotel, praised Dwayne Johnson.

“THE ROCK IS THE GREATEST HUMAN <3,” Twitter user James tweeted.

Dwayne Johnson responded: “I mean thankfully we always have the trusted Jumanji handbook for the rules lol.”

Here is the back-and-forth on Twitter:  

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