James Gunn Doesn’t Like Guardians of the Galaxy Animated Series Soundtrack


Marvel TV under Jeph Loeb and Stephen Wacker (both of whom were in part responsible for the cancellation of DnA’s Marvel Cosmic that inspired the near-billion dollar Marvel movie) recently launched a Guardians of the Galaxy animated series on Disney XD.

The cartoon is, basically, a rather lame attempt to capitalize on the success of Marvel Studios’s Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and it has even ripped off James Gunn’s idea for a sound track.

As many fans know, Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy movie soundtrack (Awesome Mix Vol. 1) topped the music charts when it was released, and Gunn even named the sequel to the movie after the sequel to the soundtrack (“Vol. 2”). 

Marvel TV’s soundtrack for the series is dubbed “Cosmic Mix Vol. 1” and contains twelve soundtracks, but Gunn isn’t a fan.

In a live video QnA on Facebook, Gunn let it be known he hasn’t watched the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series and the soundtrack doesn’t exactly excite him.

“I have not seen it,” Gunn responded to questioning. “I think it’s interesting. I hope it’s good. I don’t like the sound track too much. I don’t like it, but other than that it seems really good.”

And just how bad is the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series? Well, the Guardians actually fly out of a space slug’s butt. Need we say more?

The producers on the animated series alo tried to isninuate that it was connected to the movie, but Gunn shot that down as well.

Recent reports also state Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige parted ways with Marvel TV.

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