Captain America: Civil War Is Avengers 3.8 Says Anthony Mackie


Last week saw Anthony Mackie confirm Falcon for Captain America: Civil War and state filming starts in April.

Recently also saw confirmation that Scarlett Johansson and Sebastian Stan will reprise as Black Widow and the Winter Soldier, respectively, on top of Chris Evans as Captain America, Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man and Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.

Now the latest is that while speaking in a recent interview, Mackie says Captain America: Civil War is “Avengers 3.8.”

“Let’s just say it’s a wing-ding-doozy of a time,” Mackie offered reports Collider.  “The great thing about it is, after seeing The Avengers I joked and said Captain America 2 was Avengers 1.5.  Now with Avengers 2 coming out… Captain America 3 is so far beyond Avengers 2.5 and onto the realm of Avengers 3.8.  It’s by far one of the most stupendous rides Marvel has put together.”

While Marvel has yet to officially announce the plot, Captain America: Civil War will find Captain America at odds with Iron Man for some reason, with heroes taking sides and facing off.

“Captain America: Civil War” opens May 6, 2016 directed by Joe and Anthony Russo.

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