The Avengers: Infinity War Set Pic Is Best One Yet


The last couple of days have seen set pics and video hit the net from the Atlanta, Georgia for The Avengers: Infinity War.

Set pics and video have revealed Robert Downey Jr. along with Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Benedict Wong.

In addition, images of the Infinity War Iron Man armor have hit the net.

Now the latest Avengers: Infinity War set pic is the best one yet and features a certain bird!

Falcon? Nope.

Redwing? Nope.

I’m not even going to spoil it for you and let you check it out for yourself:

You can view the image on Tumblr. 

There is a mirror on imgur as well.

“The Avengers: Infinity War” has a May 4, 2018 release.

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