The Avengers 4: Chris Evans Hints At Death Of Captain America?


I was pretty disappointed by Captain America: Civil War in that really nothing much happened and there were really no big ramifications of the Avengers battling each other–after all, we all knew Avengers: Infinity War was on its way, which sees the the Earth’s mightiest heroes battle Thanos.

The good news, at least from my own perspective, is that perhaps similar to what James Gunn did with Guardians of the Galaxy 2, there will be consequences in Infinity War and Avengers 4 as possibly something happens as a result of the Mad Titan seeking the Infinity Stones.

Getting back to the Civil War movie, what was quite different from the film compared to its comic book counterpart was the fact that Captain America survived and wasn’t killed off. I can recall at the time the Civil War comic concluded, Captain America #25 came out featuring the death of Steve Rogers, and a copy couldn’t be found in any comic book store for miles and miles around.

Perhaps we’ll get something similar with The Avengers 4?

avengers infinity war thanos kick ass

It’s no secret that Chris Evans seems to be on the fence about playing Captain America for much longer, and now while speaking with the Telegraph offers that he extended his Marvel contract by one more movie–for The Avengers 4.

“I had six films in my Marvel contract, so I could have said after the third Avengers I was done, but they wanted to make the third and fourth Avengers films as a two-parter. They said they had so many other characters to fit in – Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Ant Man – and couldn’t get them all into one movie.”

Obviously Chris Evans wouldn’t go into specifics regarding what may be his last Marvel movie, but he did offer the following about his role and Captain America in The Avengers 4:

“…because it made sense. It’s going to wrap everything up.”

It must also be noted that Chris Evans didn’t state that he expanded his Marvel contract for more than movie, just for Avengers 4, which may mean:

death of captain america

The Avengers 4 is due out May 3, 2019.

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