Marvel Comics Announces New Power Man and Iron Fist Series
On top of the new Black Panther series, Marvel Comics has announced a new Power Man and Iron […]
On top of the new Black Panther series, Marvel Comics has announced a new Power Man and Iron […]
With Chadwick Boseman debuting in next May’s Captain America: Civil War comes the Black Panther movie which Marvel Studios
Yesterday saw Will Smith reveal Jared Leto stayed in character as the Joker for the six months of
George Miller seems to be the hot director of choice right now as following Mad Max: Fury Road,
It’s learned a potential TV series adaptation for Joe Hill’s Locke & Key comic book is still a
We learn a tidbit about the Suicide Squad in that Jared Leto stayed completely in character as Joker during
We’re about six months away from Batman Vs. Superman, and now WB has launched the first viral marketing
Legendary LEGO brick artist, Nathan Sawaya, unveiled the world’s largest LEGO Batmobile made from half of a million
With Batman Begins now on Netflix, the movie has been receiving some new attention. The latest is regarding
With the new Captain America: Civil War movie coming out next May, it looks as if Marvel Comics
BOOM! Studios Announces Pre-Show Event, Talent, and Panels for 2015 New York Comic Con The Spire #1 Midtown Comics
Just in time for Halloween, Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) is introducing brand new adult, children and –
ComiXology @ New York Comic Con 2015 Limited edition comiXology Submit variant comics to be given away at
Join your favorite characters from the Marvel Universe in one of the most impactful comic events in Marvel
With Thanos set to take on the Avengers in Infinity War, Marvel’s street-level heroes are probably going to
Even though Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon had a tough time getting Cabin In The Woods green lit,
Update: Peter Capaldi is returning for Doctor Who Series 10. Is it time to hit the panic
It’s being reported that Seth Grahame-Smith is in final talks to direct The Flash movie for Warner Bros.
About a month ago saw Steven Spielberg make mention that the superhero movie genre will go the way
Update: WB has launched a Lex Luthor viral marketing campaign. If there was any question as to