Deadpool Is Happening The Right Way Says Ryan Reynolds (Video)


We get to hear Ryan Reynolds’ thoughts on the Deadpool movie as the actor recently spoke with MTV.

“I’m waiting for your Deadpool question,” Reynolds joked with MTV. “Yeah, I knew it was coming.” 

‘Yes it is,” Reynolds responded when told it’s actually happening. “The budget isn’t what we hoped. This is the suit,” Reynolds continued to joke. 

“It’s been a long time. It’s happening the right way. That’s all that matters,” Reynolds continued. “We don’t have the kind of money that most superheroes do. That’s great, actually. Necessity is the mother of invention. That’s why we get the movie we want to make.”

MTV then mentions Green Lantern stating there were some ups and downs.

“Yes, there were some downs,” Reynolds remarked with a laugh.

“You got to just have faith with the people you are working with,” Reynolds said when asked if there was any fear of failing again. “You have to have faith in the prep, and that’s all I’m doing. On this one, the prep has been eleven years, so you like to think you put your best foot forward. We’ll see.”

Ryan Reynolds also comments on the leaked Deadpool footage, which is what seems to have sparked renewed interest in the Deadpool movie and got Fox to greenlight the film.

“Yeah, I would have leaked that footage myself. No. I would have Fox’s lawyers so far up my ass, they could smell Wade Wilson’s feet. No, I didn’t leak it, but I would have. Looking back now. In a heart beat. I should just go home and scan the old hard drive and see what I got in there.”

Deadpool has a February 12, 2016 release and begins filming this March.

Deadpool test footage:

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